Free English classes for the Romanians living in Nottingham Duration: November 2014 - January 2015, every Saturday from 2-4 pm Number of beneficiaries: 30 people
Goals: * to increase the participants’ confidence in using English in everyday contexts and situations * to contribute to the social inclusion of the Romanians who feel excluded because of language barriers * to improve the participants' chances to find long-term, safe employment
Testimonials: * "The topics were interesting and captivating. The classes have helped me a lot. There was a lot to take in. You're doing a great job. Keep up the good work." * "The course has been extremely helpful. I really enjoyed the speaking activities and the translation exercises. I've filled in some gaps in terms of grammar and translation. I've learnt many new words."
Ongoing Projects
Cursuri GRATUITE de Limba Engleza pentru romani in Nottingham In fiecare Sambata de la 16.00-18.00 Locatia: Vine Community Centre, Hyson Green, NG7 5GZ
"Working in partnership with Nottingham City Council we managed to continue our initial project, after we have made a grant application and obtained the necessary funds. We work in partnership we other communities in Nottingham, that is why the free English classes are open for The Romanians part of The Roma Community"
Romanian Society ofera sesiuni de sfat si ajutor GRATUIT pentru romani in domenii ca: obtinerea de benificii (Jobseekeer allowance, tax credit, child benefit etc.), inregistrarea la medicul de familie, obtinerea permisului de conducere, incheierea contractelor pentru inchirierea caselor, inscrierea copiilor la scoala etc. Este necesara o programare in prealabil. Folositi pagina de contact pentru mai multe informatii.